News & Media

October 28, 2024

On Thursday, October 24th, we were invited to have a discussion with Pete Buttigieg, the United States Secretary of Transportation. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to encourage full participation for the election in Detroit specifically and Michigan in general. We also wanted to give him an “ear to the street” candid conversation on where we see the need to improve and what’s being overlooked. We were free to share our views and opinions with the Secretary.

The first issue was the connection with African American men and what we see as important factors to engage more participation in this election. Various events are taking place with the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit & vicinity, Inc’s engagement. We shared the importance of not waiting to the 11 th hour to include African Americans in the efforts to reach African Americans.

The next issue addressed was the lack of pushback from those members of the Detroit Economic Club who quietly giggled while former president Donald Trump bashed and belittled our city during his October 10th speech to members. We Detroiters who help these businesspeople thrive by buying their products were not amused.

The major issue addressed was the important and vital need for Vice President Harris to agree to visit with the Arab and Muslim communities. The race is too close to take any voting community for granted or give the impression that one is being ignored. I stressed the boost and positive response that could be generated by connecting at a meeting with leaders from those communities. I pledged to help facilitate and host such a meeting, because not committing to talking with our Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters puts all of our communities in the crossfire. Again, we stressed the importance of giving them a real opportunity to be heard and talk directly with Vice President Harris.

I truly believe Secretary Buttigieg heard us, understood the passion in our voices and will pass it along to the to the Harris campaign. It would be a vital mistake to give the impression that the largest Arab community outside the Middle East was ignored during this presidential campaign season.

Reverend John Duckworth

Michigan United

Transformative Justice

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