Our Work



We're working hard to win concrete victories that improve our members’ lives.

Here is a partial list of the things we've helped to win.


·      A new stronger national policy preventing ICE from conducting raids at hospitals, schools and places of worship

·      Stopped a bill mandating E-Verify for Michigan employers

·      Stopped a bill stripping undocumented workers of workers’ compensation

·      Helped to win municipal IDs in Detroit

·      Led coalition in Wayne County that successfully ended Wayne County Sheriff's practice of honoring ICE

“detainer” requests without a judicial warrant

·      Created statewide sanctuary coalition to support immigrants fighting deportation

Criminal Justice Reform

·      Restored the oversight powers of the Detroit Police Commission


·      Won “Fair Chance Hiring” ordinance in Kalamazoo


·      Won removal of “no stopping, standing or parking” signs deployed in African-American neighborhoods in Kalamazoo, which had been used as a pretext for stop-and-frisk policing


·      Led and developed coalition to win “Fair Chance Housing” ordinance in Detroit


·      Won enforcement of protections against housing discrimination against returning citizens in Kalamazoo


·      Helped lead a national grassroots effort to free Cyntoia Brown


·      Led the First Step Act Campaign in Michigan and delivered ‘yes’ votes from both of Michigan’s US Senators for the First Step Act


·      Won new discipline policies in Kalamazoo Public Schools to reduce the disproportionate discipline and criminalization of students of color

Caring Majority 

(elder, family and health care)

·      Created Kalamazoo mobile dental clinic

·      Passed a long-term care study (formerly HB 4674) in the state budget and won $100,000 in match funding from

state legislature to implement the study of the long-term care in Michigan

·      Raised $200,000 in match funding for the long-term care study from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund

·      Created statewide coalition of leaders from 20+ organizations within the care landscape in Michigan


·      As part of HOMES coalition, created Kalamazoo Local Housing Assistance Fund to prevent homelessness, then won $5 million millage to fund program


·      Saved the foreclosure redemption period from repeal by the legislature, preserving the ability of homeowners to fight their foreclosures or find new housing


·      Played major role in winning "Fair Chance Housing" ordinance in Detroit

Workers' Rights

(elder, family and health care)

·      Played key role in raising minimum wage in 2014 to $9.25. 


·      Played steering committee role in the MI Time to Care campaign to win paid sick days

Environmental Justice

·      Helped win appropriations from state legislature to address Flint water crisis


·      Prevented Flint City Council from signing away the ability of residents to sue the water authority over future issues


we can make change

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