News &Media

July 17, 2024


Care Over Cost: Standing Together Against Healthcare Denials

Our Stand Against Healthcare Denials

Last Tuesday marked a significant day in our collective fight against healthcare denials as over 100 of us gathered at the UnitedHealth Group lobby. This demonstration was part of the broader Care Over Cost campaign, aiming to highlight and challenge the profit-driven practices of UnitedHealth, the largest private health insurance corporation in the world. Coincidentally, on the same day, UnitedHealth announced a staggering $7.9 billion in profits for the first quarter of 2024. This juxtaposition underscored the crux of our protest: UnitedHealthcare prioritizes profits over people, causing immense emotional, physical, and financial harm through their systemic care denials.

UnitedHealthcare’s refusal to cover necessary treatments has led to widespread suffering, crippling medical debt, and even bankruptcy for countless individuals. Together, we stood united, sharing our stories—patients needing critical care, healthcare workers, and their supporters. Our message was clear and unwavering: "That’s not right!" We demanded immediate action from UnitedHealth to address and rectify these injustices (as detailed in our formal letter to the corporation).

Amplifying Our Voices: A Call to Action

One of our primary goals is to amplify the impact of our protest by encouraging more people to join our cause and spread awareness about UnitedHealth's failures in providing adequate care. To achieve this, we created a short video compilation of the event, capturing the essence of our collective spirit and determination. We urge you to watch and share this video widely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Let's ensure that our message reaches as many people as possible, showing the world the power of solidarity and collective action.

During the protest, nine courageous individuals, now known as "The United 9," took a bold stand by refusing to leave the UnitedHealth lobby until an executive came down to hear our demands and personal stories. After intense negotiations, UnitedHealth agreed to meet with us, marking a significant step forward. They have also promised to arrange another meeting with a larger forum to directly address our concerns and work towards meaningful solutions.

Our Unyielding Resolve: Pushing for Change

Our resolve remains strong and unwavering. We will persist in our efforts until UnitedHealth meets all our demands to STOP CARE DENIALS, or until elected officials step in to enforce necessary changes. Ultimately, our advocacy extends beyond this immediate battle, as we champion the implementation of Improved Medicare for All. This comprehensive solution would ensure that everyone receives the care they need without interference from profit-driven insurance companies.

Acknowledging Our Allies: Strength in Unity

This powerful event was made possible through the collaboration and support of numerous organizations, including the Minnesota Nurses Association, SEIU Healthcare MN, Healthcare for All MN, the MN AFL-CIO Retirees, and many others across the country. The strength and solidarity displayed by all participants were truly remarkable and inspiring.

For many of us, this was our first time participating in such an action. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined, hosted strangers in their homes, baked food, shared personal health and financial struggles publicly, and traveled despite health challenges. Your efforts have demonstrated that we are STRONGER TOGETHER, and by each doing our part, we can transform our healthcare system for the better.

Special recognition goes to those who took on significant roles during the event. Your courage and commitment are deeply appreciated and continue to inspire us all.

Sharing the Journey: Capturing the Moment

Below, you’ll find some incredible photos of the event. Feel free to share these, but please credit the professional photographer as noted. GO TEAM!

Through our combined efforts, we are making strides toward a just and equitable healthcare system where no one is denied the care they need. Join us in this crucial battle, spread the word, and help us continue to stand up against healthcare denials. Together, we can make a significant difference.

Tap here to join our Care Over Cost program


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Join "Taking Back our Power" and take a stand against money in Michigan politics

We are a coalition of working families in Michigan fighting to pass comprehensive state legislation to prevent regulated monopoly corporations and companies seeking government contracts from making political contributions. We can no longer let them buy their way out of accountability and drown out the voice of the people!

Join "Care Over Cost" and help us get people the healthcare coverage promised by their insurers

In Michigan and all across the country, our members are fighting individual care denials and are WINNING people the care they need--and paid fo! Together, we are working to transform our health care system to put Care Over Cost and people over profit.

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Relational organizing is defined as “preparing & supporting people to bring the power within their existing relationships to affect change.” In actuality is it turning a contact into a conversation and then into a person empowered to create change where they live.

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