News & Media

February 6, 2024

Michigan United strongly condemns President Joe Biden’s legislative deal that would affect the U.S.-Mexico border. We urge lawmakers to vote NO on H.R. 6678, 6679, 5585, and 6976. This series of anti-immigrant bills poses a significant threat to the rights of asylees, Palestinians, immigrant communities, and undermines fundamental due process protections.

H.R. 6678 & H.R. 5585 introduce redundant legislation aimed at addressing social security fraud and evading the border patrol. Both topics are already regulated through existing law. However, the proposed legislation would add new grounds for inadmissibility and deportation solely on allegations. Such a policy would unjustly separate individuals from their families, violate international refugee law, and impose permanent exile based on unproven accusations.

“H.R. 6679 unfairly targets Palestinian individuals in a manner that supports discriminatory rhetoric and actions. The bill bans members of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the internationally recognized political representative organization of Palestinians in the United Nations, from entering the U.S. Targeting PLO members in this way could amount to banning countless Palestinians who believe in a humanitarian resolution of the conflict.

“H.R. 6976 adds new grounds of inadmissibility and deportability for any offense involving driving under the influence. This means that lawfully present individuals who have resided in their communities for decades could be deported and ripped from their loved ones based on one misdemeanor DUI conviction from years in their past. DUIs are a public health issue that should be addressed through measures including access to treatment and rehabilitation programs. Excluding immigrants from lawful status or subjecting them to deportation based on a single DUI offense is counter-productive, often removing their access to services and destabilizing families and communities.

“We call on lawmakers to prioritize the protection of human rights, reject these anti-immigrant bills, and focus on comprehensive immigration policies that respect due process, uphold the dignity of all individuals, and adhere to principles of justice and fairness.”


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